
The Rule of Two

 A simple perceptual shift in your mind can often remove much confusion in your life. Let me offer two simple rules that will help your mind make a shift that can relieve much self-imposed suffering. Throughout my adult life, I have been guided by these two simple axioms of insight. These two rules have afforded me both comfort and direction. The first one is The Principle of Universal Harmony, “life is harmony.” That is, there is always order in the...

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Work Is Love Made Visible (Part II)

Everything that grows goes through three phases of transformation. (see Transformational Theory ). Whether it is an atom or a galaxy, a relationship or a business, it must necessarily and naturally evolve through each phase. Breaking stride creates disharmony and elicits the antithesis of growth, entropy. In other words, resist the natural flow of life to unify and expand and you initiate its opposite, disharmony and death. The three phases of growth are survive, thrive, and love. Don’t let the...

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Work Is Love Made Visible (Part I)

Work has gotten a bad rap. Just reading through the definitions of work you come across phrases like, “effort expended on a particular task” or “the results of a particular manner of production.” And I think it’s true that most of the employed population consider job and work as synonymous. While it can be, work can be so much more. I break work into three categories; a job, a career, and a calling. Most definitions of work are actually defining...

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Where Did We Come from and Where Are We Going? (Part II)

We already have everything we need to transition into a more loving and supportive lifestyle. But how do we do that? First, we become aware of who we are in our fullness, our being. That is easily accomplished because that too is hardwired; a genetic pathway bequeathed us by those very first humans who balanced the stress of survival with the quiet bliss of personal introspection, complemented by a more intimate socialization. It can easily be accomplished with nothing more...

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Where Did We Come from and Where Are We Going? (Part I)

(In previous posts I have mentioned the three phases of human evolution. In this two-part post I want to expand a little on the 3 phases and then introduce a simple solution for our transition into phase 3.) First phase Homo sapiens were hunter-gatherers roaming the savanna, small knots of humanity banded together for mutual support and safety. Our ancient forefathers followed the roving herds out of Africa into Europe, Asia and eventually the Americas. During this precarious first phase...

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Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Almost assuredly the most prominent stumbling block in a relationship is miscommunication. It insidiously worms its way into every level of our dealings with others despite our most sincere and concerted efforts to eliminate it. Why, despite our every exertion to the contrary, does miscommunication continue to thrive? Let’s start with you, the center of creation, at least from your individual perspective. While you can “walk a mile in another man’s shoes” it is still you who is walking in...

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How Did We Get into This Mess?

We Homo sapiens have hit a wall. We were doing great right up to the last couple hundred years. What happened? How have we come to be so precariously poised on the edge of lunacy? How is it that we refuse to see the bleakness of extinction slowly seeping into our businesses, communities, and families? Simply, we are not paying attention. We are, in fact, going against our very nature and fighting our own evolution. It is time, past time...

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The Ant and the Magnifying Glass

Creativity, loosely defined as, “the ability to produce something new through imaginative skill…” seems to have a shroud of mystery about it or if not a shroud of mystery then at least a cloud of frustration. The mystery and frustration surrounding creativity comes from our inability to control the creative process. Our definition above infers that we are in control of our creativity. We are, but not the way we think and that is the source of our unrest. The...

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Blame Your Poor Health on Classical Physics

You have heard it, I am sure, “Your body is like a machine.” When a machine, like your car engine breaks down then all you have to do is replace the broken part and you are up and running good as new. It has also been said that your body is like a river, fluid and ever changing. While this may be closer to the truth it is still a little too “solid” for my liking. I see our bodies...

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Rock & Air: It Takes Two to Tango

John Donne advocated that, “No man is an island.” He wanted us to know that we are not alone in this world. We are an integral part of all that is. That is a simple enough statement and I suspect more profound than Donne may have, or could have imagined. Modern-day physics has discovered this to be true on the micro level. Nothing exists in isolation. Even the wave, the most basic unit of the universe, undulates out into infinity...

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