(In previous posts I have mentioned the three phases of human evolution. In this two-part post I want to expand a little on the 3 phases and then introduce a simple solution for our transition into phase 3.)
First phase Homo sapiens were hunter-gatherers roaming the savanna, small knots of humanity banded together for mutual support and safety. Our ancient forefathers followed the roving herds out of Africa into Europe, Asia and eventually the Americas. During this precarious first phase of human existence we struggled to survive, experimenting and developing tools and hunting techniques but always on the move. Leadership within the clan was based on ability. We early humans were at the mercy of natural forces. We prayed to the gods of rain and sun, to the gods of the hunt, and for protection against illness and evil.
Despite the extraordinarily unpredictable circumstances in which our phase 1 forefathers were placed they only needed to devote 3 to 4 days a week in activities directly associated with their survival. That left them 3 to 4 days a week to sit by a quiet pool, completely at home with nature, gazing into an infinitely deep cerulean sky. They had time to contemplate and investigate and most importantly to socialize.
The second phase of human development found us growing crops, domesticating animals, and developing a more intricate and specialized social structure. In short, we were learning to step beyond the savage whims of nature through of our environment. With decreased mortality came increased growth and prosperity. But nothing can grow forever. We have reached our natural, phase two limits of healthy growth and now stumble blindly onward growing, not out of need but greed.
Once maximum growth for any given energy or entity is reached evolution turns to mutual support, a coming together of differences for a greater good. This is true on every level of creation from a photon to the family to a supernova. A phase 3 human society will find little need for competition, control or dominance over others. Rather than living by the credo of “divide and conquer” we will create businesses and communities based on unity, the coming together of differences. My working definition for love is unification for growth. Love is reaching out and connecting with another person or a group for a higher cause. To love is not hard. It is hardwired in the human. Love is the natural expression of a healthy human and every human hungers to be healthy.
Exercises For Quantum Living (CD)
Eufeeling!: The Art of Creating Inner Peace and Outer Prosperity (Book)
Eufeeling!: The Art of Creating Inner Peace and Outer Prosperity (Kindle)
Connie says:
I think it is natural for all of creation to express love. When my cats are well fed and feel safe they are loving, gentle creatures, but when they sense danger they revert to their wild natures. I have seen humans do the same, even today. Inner-city gangs express the more primitive behaviors because there is no sense of safety outside of their groups. Trees, sunsets, stars, the ocean, are all expressions of the love of our Creator. I don’t know about ants and termites, I’ll have to reflect more on household pests.
Yukie Yonezawa says:
“This is true on every level of creation from a photon to the family to a supernova.”
Your words give me courage! Thank you!
Cayden says:
That kind of tihnking shows you’re an expert
Renata says:
Dear dr. Kinslow,
Thank you for sharing with us your reflexions, your philosophy. I would like the phase 3 as you see it, the same as I see it, come soon!
Tyrone says:
Race and ethnicity are not nurtaal’ categories, even though both concepts are often representedas if they were. Their boundaries are not fixed, nor is their membership uncontested. Race andethnic groups, like nations, are imagined communities….They are ideological entities, made andchanged in struggle. They are discursive formations, signalling a language through whichdifferences may be named and explained.