
Why Can’t I Love? (Part II)

As goes the species so goes the individual. Homo sapiens, that’s us, are in the second phase of the three phase transformational process to full potential. Maslow offered his hierarchy of needs for the individual. The collective human race is made of, you guessed it, individuals. As it turns out we have been trudging slowly over the eons towards the realization of universal love. We haven’t gotten there as a species but we are close, very close. According to George...

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Why Can’t I Love? (Part I)

Have you ever felt limited in love? Have you ever felt that your love is locked away, unable to find a way into the hearts of others? You know you have more love to give but it just doesn’t seem to get to where it is needed. There is a simple reason for that and a simpler solution. Love is a creative process. It is creation. It unites darkened souls in the light of harmony and joy. Each of us...

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Why Your Intention Doesn’t Work (Part I)

If you have ever done any intention work you have probably wondered why your intentions don’t work most of the time. You follow all the rules, and there are plenty of them to follow, and still you don’t get what you want. It all boils down to a matter of love… Universal love. Look at yourself as being the center of creation. This is not egotistical but a simple fact of perception. Where else would the center of creation be...

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Why Your Intention Doesn’t Work (Part II)

Now that you have discovered that you are the center of the universe, something you undoubtedly realized as an infant, you find yourself stuck in time between past and future, classical and quantum physics, control and infinite possibilities. And here is your dilemma… Control belongs to the past. That is because you can see what you did and the outcome that resulted from your action. You cannot control the future. It is not subservient to cause and effect. The future...

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Why Your Intention Doesn’t Work (Part III)

We feel the need to control our lives only when we feel out of control. Have you ever found yourself saying, “Is this all there is to life? I have everything I need, so why do I feel so incomplete?) We feel out of control when we lose our perception of universal order. It’s really quite simple. When we perceive the unifying flow of universal love we feel content. When we do not we feel alienated, out of control. We...

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Picture the Perfect World

Picture a world where you are following your innermost desires, doing the work that you are naturally drawn to do and love. It dovetails perfectly with your talents and interests. Your work regenerates you rather Than tiring you out. Time flies by almost too quickly. Like the flickering splinters of a lit sparkler, creativity burns within you. You are self-motivated, take pride in your work, and feel like you are a cohesive and contributing part to a grander plan. You...

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A connection between two people is actually three entities. For instance if you and I were friends there would be the “you” entity, the “me” entity and, where we two overlap and bond, the “us” entity. You are responsible for you and I am responsible for me and we are responsible for that part of our lives that overlap and influence each other. I like to represent this you – me – us triad as two overlapping circles with a...

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A New Direction

Up until now I have laid out the basic precepts of the Kinslow System under the creativity, health, personal, relationships, science, society, and spiritual headings. A firm philosophical/functional foundation has been laid and now it is time for us to change direction, or more accurately, expand in any and all directions. I would like to create a more conversant forum. That is I would like to hear what you are interested in and then discuss those interests in the light...

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Is the Perfect Relationship Possible?

The perfect relationship is not some unattainable, half-baked, philosophical, pie-in-the-sky idea. It is a reality simple to attain if you know the rules. Note I said simple, not easy. The perfect relationship takes work to be sure but it is a labor of love. The perfect relationship is exciting and exhilarating. It is also trying and demanding. But it will never be boring. The problem with 99.9% of interpersonal relationships is that one or both parties do not understand how...

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Healing Your Body with Eufeeling

We previously discussed limitations placed on the adoption of a single healing model. At that time I suggested adopting a healing philosophy that is all-inclusive. It is only fair that I offer you a healing technique that is all-inclusive. Eufeeling Body Healing is a very effective way to stimulate healing on all levels of your being; body, mind, and inner essence. It is a gentle yet remarkably profound process. It is also nonspecific. By that I mean that we do...

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