Are you one of those people who always pick the slowest line to stand in? I do, every time. In fact, I think all of us choose the slowest line. I have never heard anyone brag about always finding the fastest line, have you? If that were me, I’d surely let the rest of you “slow-liners” hear about it. In the grocery store checkout, I will stand aloof from the other indiscriminant line-standers and watch to see which checker looks...
The Coin Reality: Healing a Divided Mind (Part 2)
The coin is Eufeeling, the essence of each of us, unique in all creation. Eufeeling is not some fanciful philosophy or long-sought after Utopia. While it has been hidden from view from the dualistic mind it is easily, clearly, and quickly perceived by the undivided mind. When we shift our awareness away from one side of the coin or the other we become aware of the whole coin. We realize that the P and the N are different forms of...
The Coin Reality: Healing a Divided Mind (Part 1)
We perceive life as opposites: positive – negative; black – white; up – down. Let’s look at positive and negative. The apparently healthy mind moves away from the negative towards the positive. We are engaged in a war fighting negativity with positivity. This is the reflection of our lives as we live it on the Newtonian level of cause and effect. However a deeper perception of life ends the positive/negative war in lasting peace. The perception of wholeness accepts and...
Work Is Love Made Visible (Part II)
Everything that grows goes through three phases of transformation. (see Transformational Theory ). Whether it is an atom or a galaxy, a relationship or a business, it must necessarily and naturally evolve through each phase. Breaking stride creates disharmony and elicits the antithesis of growth, entropy. In other words, resist the natural flow of life to unify and expand and you initiate its opposite, disharmony and death. The three phases of growth are survive, thrive, and love. Don’t let the...
Work Is Love Made Visible (Part I)
Work has gotten a bad rap. Just reading through the definitions of work you come across phrases like, “effort expended on a particular task” or “the results of a particular manner of production.” And I think it’s true that most of the employed population consider job and work as synonymous. While it can be, work can be so much more. I break work into three categories; a job, a career, and a calling. Most definitions of work are actually defining...
The Ant and the Magnifying Glass
Creativity, loosely defined as, “the ability to produce something new through imaginative skill…” seems to have a shroud of mystery about it or if not a shroud of mystery then at least a cloud of frustration. The mystery and frustration surrounding creativity comes from our inability to control the creative process. Our definition above infers that we are in control of our creativity. We are, but not the way we think and that is the source of our unrest. The...