
Why Can’t I Love? (Part II)

As goes the species so goes the individual. Homo sapiens, that’s us, are in the second phase of the three phase transformational process to full potential. Maslow offered his hierarchy of needs for the individual. The collective human race is made of, you guessed it, individuals. As it turns out we have been trudging slowly over the eons towards the realization of universal love. We haven’t gotten there as a species but we are close, very close. According to George...

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Why Can’t I Love? (Part I)

Have you ever felt limited in love? Have you ever felt that your love is locked away, unable to find a way into the hearts of others? You know you have more love to give but it just doesn’t seem to get to where it is needed. There is a simple reason for that and a simpler solution. Love is a creative process. It is creation. It unites darkened souls in the light of harmony and joy. Each of us...

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Dr. Frank J. Kinslow: What Is the Meaning of Life? Nothing Gives Meaning to Life

Except in the narrowest sense, the question, “What is the meaning of life?” is ludicrous. That is unless you can clearly define “life.” Is life biological? Social, spiritual, political? Is it all of these? None of these? You see? When we finally define life for ourselves, does our definition work for others? I say yes in the broadest sense. But ultimately, I have to say “no.” The more precisely we define life, the more uniquely it molds to our own...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 11) How to Find Eufeeling

Since you have been enjoying Eufeeling during your daily activities have you noticed that while you are aware of Eufeeling you are not worried about paying the bills, that problem at work, or smoothing ruffled feathers in your relationship? Again become aware of Eufeeling for a few seconds, let it go and then watch to see what happens. Now notice that you feel whole, somehow complete. You really need for nothing. You see, your life is already mending itself. And...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 10) How to Find Eufeeling

[Before reading further it would be best to do the Eufeeling Technique first… [See last QE Blog post - The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 9).] Welcome back. Now that your eyes are opened, how are you feeling? Do you feel some relaxation in your body? What are you feeling in your mind? Do you feel some inner sense of well-being? Maybe you feel silence or peace or a sense of relief,...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 9) How to Find Eufeeling

To do the EuStillness Technique you must first become aware of Eufeeling. To become aware of Eufeeling you must first become aware of pure awareness. You became aware of pure awareness when you watched the screen of your mind in The Nothing Technique. [See QE Blog: How Nothing Works Part 3] Congratulations, you are already one-third of the way there. Becoming aware of Eufeeling is just as simple and just as easy. So, unless you have a heavy date or...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 8)

How to Find Eufeeling “Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Oliver Wendell Holmes, in the quote above, is telling us that we are missing something. Or more rightly, we are ignoring something so vital that without it life loses its music, the very thing that gives it substance. I am reminded of the shadow world of Plato’s cave where the cave-dwellers believed the totality of life to be flickering...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 7)

The arrow from our previous blog represents the ability of your mind to create successful action, to get what you want. When you nock the arrow but have not yet pulled it back, the arrow is just sitting there. If you let go of the arrow at this point it just falls to the ground. This represents the inactivity of your mind during deep sleep. If you were to pull the arrow back several inches, this would represent the potential...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 6)

If you want to get out of that chair you are sitting in then what is the first thing you must do? That’s right! You must first push down with your feet and hands if you want to stand up. If you then choose to walk to your fridge for a cold drink, you must first push your foot in the opposite direction from the fridge so that you will move forward toward that beer in the icebox. If you...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 5)

So how does the EuStillness Technique work? Well, not by conventional laws, that is for sure. When you think about it, a technique is how to do something, isn’t it? Well, how can you do something to do nothing? Of course, that seems impossible. It seems to make sense that you cannot generate an activity of non-activity. This is the very reason many meditation and spiritual techniques take so long to yield results. They expect the student to create inner...

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