
How Nothing Works (Part 4)

(You have been practicing the Nothing Technique since we last chatted. Take a few minutes to again do the Nothing Technique and then continue reading.) I’ll wait….. Now, first notice how you feel. Is your body more relaxed? Do you feel quieter in your mind? After only 2 to 3 minutes, you are already beginning to reap the benefits of … Doing nothing! You didn’t have to imagine yourself on a tropical beach, sit in a pretzel-like posture and breathe...

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How Nothing Works (Part 3)

We can talk about pure awareness, the perception of nothing, all day long…in fact, for generations, many have talked about pure awareness their whole lives. (Believe it or not, many of them never experienced it.) Talk can never touch the experience of pure awareness so it is time we stopped talking about it and actually experience it. Once experienced we can resume our discussion about pure awareness but on a much deeper level. Do the Nothing Technique sitting with eyes...

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How Nothing Works (Part 2)

There are many shades of awareness. You can be alert, tired, distracted, drugged, etc. If we think of awareness as light, then the different kinds of awareness represent different intensities of light. Let’s say that the brightest light possible registers 10 on our “light/awareness” scale. Everyday common consciousness would register a 4 or 5 on our scale of 0 to 10. This would be like using your camera to take a picture outdoors on a cloudy day. Depending on the...

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How Nothing Works (Part 1)

‘‘No matter what I tried, nothing worked. And then I got it. Nothing works!’’ ~ Frank Kinslow I know that quoting myself may seem a little self-absorbed, but when I first made this discovery I was totally bowled over by its implications. This single revelation has sparked a revolution that has reduced suffering and improved the quality of life of many, many thousands around the globe. It is why we are meeting here, and I just wanted to share this...

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What Water?

Both negativity and positivity have their place in this world. This is an absolute reality. If we deny this reality we are living an illusion. Once we recognize how the two, the positive and the negative work together magical things begin to happen. We will dive more deeply into that ocean a little later in this blog. By the way, Quantum Entrainment® is very easy to do. It is far more difficult to talk about and conceptualize than it is...

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Most People Don’t Even Know They Have Pure Awareness

Everything we experience is through pure awareness. Most people don’t even know they have pure awareness much less that it is their essential nature. It is more intimate to us than our families, our jobs, and even our health for without pure awareness we would have none of these things. It is pure awareness that makes it possible for us to feel, to think, to perceive, and to experience life in all its vibrant beauty. Pure awareness is our very...

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What Is Your Ultimate Goal?

What does it mean to be fully human? I’m afraid not too many of us have entertained question much less found an answer to it. The picture I have in my skull that most of us humans keep looking one step in front of us, raising our heads only occasionally to see if we're still on track, as we move through our lives. And when we look up what are we looking for? Usually we are headed for a limited...

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There is a common spiritual practice of acceptance. That is, the conscious effort to accept what is as it is. This practice has the goal of transforming the chaos of everyday living into the sublime perception of unfailing inner peace. Oddly enough, the practice of acceptance has the opposite effect. It actually increases effort and expectation, the very antithesis of what it is trying to achieve. However, when we throw out the practice in favor of the spontaneous perception of...

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The Five Paths to Enlightenment

There are thousands of paths to enlightenment. Although it may seem to be mystical, enlightenment is a normal human condition and much easier to realize than some would have us believe. (See QE Blog: What Is Enlightenment ) There are a good number of systems, religious and otherwise, to help one experience enlightenment. They would include Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism as well as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Within each system there are many teachers each with their own interpretation of what...

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What is Enlightenment?

There is a good deal of confusion around the notion of enlightenment. Ask 10 spiritual leaders what enlightenment means and you will get 10 different answers. Ask your average spiritual seeker and you get the “deer in headlights” look that is not the result of introspective bliss. It appears that most people use the word almost offhandedly and yet when it comes down to it, most people don’t have a clear idea of what enlightenment really is. Because it is...

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