What is Kinslow System?
From your very first Kinslow System session, you will experience real happiness and real healing! Not by wishful thinking or unrealistic belief methods, but by opening a direct pathway through your genes to stimulate natural healing and genuine happiness.
Why both healing and happiness? Simple. You cannot separate happiness from healing. They are two sides of the same coin. If you are happy you heal. When you heal, you are happy. Now, here’s one of the unique features about the Kinslow System. You get to choose your starting point, physical or emotional. Both paths lead to the same goal…a more vital, happier, more successful you.
The Kinslow System is simple and practical with proven benefits from tens of thousands of people worldwide. Others like you have enjoyed faster healing of the pain of physical trauma both acute and chronic, have balanced their blood sugar and blood pressure, improved sleep, found relief from depression, sadness and anger, improved their self-esteem, enjoy more functional and loving relationships and expressed greater creativity and satisfaction at work. Here’s another unique thing about the Kinslow System. It’s easy! It’s easy and it works and here’s why…
Ancient hunters and gatherers, our ancestors had a harsh life. They needed to be tough and intelligent and resourceful…and happy! That’s right! Happiness is a necessary survival mechanism embedded in our genes and the Kinslow System knows how to directly tap into that happy-healing mechanism to stimulate real healing, real happiness, real fast.
Do you know what causes our good feelings like joy and compassion, elation, peace and love? Biochemical molecules! That’s not very romantic, I know, but true. The breakthrough is this; I have discovered a direct pathway, utilizing our genetic coding, to increase production of those biochemical molecules of happiness. Not only that but, this process is natural, safe, and requires no special training. If you are reading these words you have everything you need to make those happy-healing biochemical molecules right now.
The Most Frequently Asked Questions about QE
The Kinslow QE System is the arm of the Kinslow Happiness System that supports deep and rapid healing. It is an exciting new approach to abundant living that anyone can do. Quantum Entrainment is a completely natural technique that produces immediate healing and harmony in body, mind, and spirit. It is a complete system with proven results that you can use to increase confidence, creativity, abundance and happiness. The really incredible thing about the Kinslow System is that you can also use it to help in healing the lives of others.
Because the Kinslow QE System works deep within your mind at the finest level of functioning where peace and harmony abide, it has a peaceful, harmonizing effect on everything you do. It begins by organizing your thoughts, adding power and purpose to their expression. This increased energy and order then flows outward to sooth and heal your body. From there it injects vitality, wisdom, and serenity into every facet of your life, work, family and love relationships, recreation and education and even your quest for greater spiritual insight. Results happen quickly.
We have made it very easy for you to learn how to have abundance and health through the Kinslow QE System. The first step is to learn Quantum Entrainment, how to easily function from that deepest, most orderly level of your mind. It turns out that this is so simple and natural that you can learn it just by reading one of the QE books or listening to one of our CD/DVDs or, most fun of all, join us at a QE workshop. At this time Dr. Kinslow is the only workshop teacher but workshops are offered in many countries.
The Kinslow QE System is the result of a unique joining of Western and Eastern healing techniques and the principles of quantum physics and relativity. It was actually born out of 40 years of frustration with trying to get it right. I had the thought, "Life shouldn't be so hard." Then in a flash of insight, at age 61, I realized that my most productive times had always been effortless, easy, and flowing. Along with that insight came the instructions for effortless living in a hectic world. That is what we call the Kinslow QE System.
First we should realize that the Kinslow System is more than just a healing technique for emotional or physical discord. You could look at the Kinslow QE System as an exclusive healing package for body, mind, spirit, as well as love relationships, work, education, recreation, and healing others including our children, friends, and even our pets. The application of direct healing in the Kinslow QE System is called Quantum Entrainment. It is special among healing techniques. With traditional healing methods there is always a movement of energy generated from or through the healer. The initiator of a QE healing session only starts the process and then watches as healing takes place easily and safely with immediate results.
The best way to explain the Kinslow QE System to others is in terms of rest. Rest is the universal healer. The deeper the rest the deeper the healing. When one does Quantum Entrainment they experience the deepest rest possible, deeper even than deep sleep. This very deep rest results in a very deep healing in seconds to minutes. It does not require any special talent or training because this kind of healing is natural for anyone once they realize it.
For knowledge to be complete we must have both and understanding and experience of what it is we want to know. Understanding and experience build on each other. When constructing a strong wall you need both bricks and mortar. The mortar of the Kinslow QE System is made of the basic techniques of Eufeeling, Quantum Entrainment, QE Awareness, and QE Intention. The bricks are the QE Principles of Lucid Living which nurture, support, and guide you towards more freedom, energy, and wisdom in your life.
Eufeeling is very special in your life. Most of the time you may not be aware of it being busy with the trials and tribulations of daily living. But it is always there waiting for you to notice it. Quantum Entrainment is the process of noticing your Eufeeling. Eufeeling is not a philosophy but a direct experience of the joy and peace and love that you are. When you become aware of Eufeeling’s presence it reflects outward supporting and guiding every feature of your life.
Not at all. The Kinslow System will actually adapt to your desires and needs. That is because the Kinslow QE System’s techniques are actually a way for you to become more clearly aware of what is taking place on the deeper, quieter levels of your mind. Let me remind you that you already have everything that you need to overcome your challenges and enjoy greater creativity, energy, happiness, and health. It is when you lose touch with your inner harmony that you experience outer disharmony. The Kinslow System is your personalized process for inner peace and outer prosperity.

What is Quantum Entrainment?
Quantum Entrainment (QE) is one side of the happy-healing coin. It supports deep and rapid healing. It is simple, fast and effective. You can use QE for yourself or share it with others. You can even do it at a distance. You’ll be surprised and inspired when you see how quickly and successfully you can create a healing event in even a perfect stranger.
QE webinars or workshops are lively, fun and you walk away with practical healing techniques that will enhance your life, and the lives of others, for the rest of your life.
Here are a few of the things you will learn in just the first two days of a QE Workshop.
- QE Triangulation
- Remote QE
- Emotional QE
- Self QE
- Group QE
- Financial QE
- Refined QE
- Kids QE
- 90 Days of Healing Program
How can I learn Quantum Entrainment?
- Private Instruction with Dr. Kinslow
- Webinars
- Seminars & Workshops
- Retreats
- Books
- Audio Downloads
The Most Frequently Asked Questions about QE
The Kinslow QE System is the arm of the Kinslow Happiness System that supports deep and rapid healing. It is an exciting new approach to abundant living that anyone can do. Quantum Entrainment is a completely natural technique that produces immediate healing and harmony in body, mind, and spirit. It is a complete system with proven results that you can use to increase confidence, creativity, abundance and happiness. The really incredible thing about the Kinslow System is that you can also use it to help in healing the lives of others.
Because the Kinslow QE System works deep within your mind at the finest level of functioning where peace and harmony abide, it has a peaceful, harmonizing effect on everything you do. It begins by organizing your thoughts, adding power and purpose to their expression. This increased energy and order then flows outward to sooth and heal your body. From there it injects vitality, wisdom, and serenity into every facet of your life, work, family and love relationships, recreation and education and even your quest for greater spiritual insight. Results happen quickly.
We have made it very easy for you to learn how to have abundance and health through the Kinslow QE System. The first step is to learn Quantum Entrainment, how to easily function from that deepest, most orderly level of your mind. It turns out that this is so simple and natural that you can learn it just by reading one of the QE books or listening to one of our CD/DVDs or, most fun of all, join us at a QE workshop. At this time Dr. Kinslow is the only workshop teacher but workshops are offered in many countries.
The Kinslow QE System is the result of a unique joining of Western and Eastern healing techniques and the principles of quantum physics and relativity. It was actually born out of 40 years of frustration with trying to get it right. I had the thought, "Life shouldn't be so hard." Then in a flash of insight, at age 61, I realized that my most productive times had always been effortless, easy, and flowing. Along with that insight came the instructions for effortless living in a hectic world. That is what we call the Kinslow QE System.
First we should realize that the Kinslow System is more than just a healing technique for emotional or physical discord. You could look at the Kinslow QE System as an exclusive healing package for body, mind, spirit, as well as love relationships, work, education, recreation, and healing others including our children, friends, and even our pets. The application of direct healing in the Kinslow QE System is called Quantum Entrainment. It is special among healing techniques. With traditional healing methods there is always a movement of energy generated from or through the healer. The initiator of a QE healing session only starts the process and then watches as healing takes place easily and safely with immediate results.
The best way to explain the Kinslow QE System to others is in terms of rest. Rest is the universal healer. The deeper the rest the deeper the healing. When one does Quantum Entrainment they experience the deepest rest possible, deeper even than deep sleep. This very deep rest results in a very deep healing in seconds to minutes. It does not require any special talent or training because this kind of healing is natural for anyone once they realize it.
For knowledge to be complete we must have both and understanding and experience of what it is we want to know. Understanding and experience build on each other. When constructing a strong wall you need both bricks and mortar. The mortar of the Kinslow QE System is made of the basic techniques of Eufeeling, Quantum Entrainment, QE Awareness, and QE Intention. The bricks are the QE Principles of Lucid Living which nurture, support, and guide you towards more freedom, energy, and wisdom in your life.
Eufeeling is very special in your life. Most of the time you may not be aware of it being busy with the trials and tribulations of daily living. But it is always there waiting for you to notice it. Quantum Entrainment is the process of noticing your Eufeeling. Eufeeling is not a philosophy but a direct experience of the joy and peace and love that you are. When you become aware of Eufeeling’s presence it reflects outward supporting and guiding every feature of your life.
Not at all. The Kinslow System will actually adapt to your desires and needs. That is because the Kinslow QE System’s techniques are actually a way for you to become more clearly aware of what is taking place on the deeper, quieter levels of your mind. Let me remind you that you already have everything that you need to overcome your challenges and enjoy greater creativity, energy, happiness, and health. It is when you lose touch with your inner harmony that you experience outer disharmony. The Kinslow System is your personalized process for inner peace and outer prosperity.

What is the Kinslow System’s secret weapon? Eufeeling!
Eufeeling is a way of producing and storing those precious biomolecules of happy-healing. It gently activates the autonomic nervous system to spontaneously and immediately create an atmosphere in which genuine happiness and enhanced healing can take place. It’s simple, effective and completely within your reach. But you don’t have to take my word for it. You can measure the effects for yourself, the very first time! And, one of the most remarkable points, it only takes minutes a day to get, what others have called “extraordinary” results.
There is no doubt. Happy people are healthier! They are also more skilled at surviving and thriving in today’s competitive, chaotic, overachieving world. There are so many reasons to begin the Kinslow System, the only reason you wouldn’t want to be happier or healthier is if you have tried repeatedly to be happy and failed. My guarantee to you is this; if you do the Kinslow System you will get results. Not to mention, it just feels good!
I have made it easy for you to choose. If you would like to begin with healing, then Quantum Entrainment is your starting point. If you want to rev up your happiness engine, then you want the Kinslow Happiness Technique. Either way, both ways, you win!
The Most Frequently Asked Questions about QE
The Kinslow QE System is the arm of the Kinslow Happiness System that supports deep and rapid healing. It is an exciting new approach to abundant living that anyone can do. Quantum Entrainment is a completely natural technique that produces immediate healing and harmony in body, mind, and spirit. It is a complete system with proven results that you can use to increase confidence, creativity, abundance and happiness. The really incredible thing about the Kinslow System is that you can also use it to help in healing the lives of others.
Because the Kinslow QE System works deep within your mind at the finest level of functioning where peace and harmony abide, it has a peaceful, harmonizing effect on everything you do. It begins by organizing your thoughts, adding power and purpose to their expression. This increased energy and order then flows outward to sooth and heal your body. From there it injects vitality, wisdom, and serenity into every facet of your life, work, family and love relationships, recreation and education and even your quest for greater spiritual insight. Results happen quickly.
We have made it very easy for you to learn how to have abundance and health through the Kinslow QE System. The first step is to learn Quantum Entrainment, how to easily function from that deepest, most orderly level of your mind. It turns out that this is so simple and natural that you can learn it just by reading one of the QE books or listening to one of our CD/DVDs or, most fun of all, join us at a QE workshop. At this time Dr. Kinslow is the only workshop teacher but workshops are offered in many countries.
The Kinslow QE System is the result of a unique joining of Western and Eastern healing techniques and the principles of quantum physics and relativity. It was actually born out of 40 years of frustration with trying to get it right. I had the thought, "Life shouldn't be so hard." Then in a flash of insight, at age 61, I realized that my most productive times had always been effortless, easy, and flowing. Along with that insight came the instructions for effortless living in a hectic world. That is what we call the Kinslow QE System.
First we should realize that the Kinslow System is more than just a healing technique for emotional or physical discord. You could look at the Kinslow QE System as an exclusive healing package for body, mind, spirit, as well as love relationships, work, education, recreation, and healing others including our children, friends, and even our pets. The application of direct healing in the Kinslow QE System is called Quantum Entrainment. It is special among healing techniques. With traditional healing methods there is always a movement of energy generated from or through the healer. The initiator of a QE healing session only starts the process and then watches as healing takes place easily and safely with immediate results.
The best way to explain the Kinslow QE System to others is in terms of rest. Rest is the universal healer. The deeper the rest the deeper the healing. When one does Quantum Entrainment they experience the deepest rest possible, deeper even than deep sleep. This very deep rest results in a very deep healing in seconds to minutes. It does not require any special talent or training because this kind of healing is natural for anyone once they realize it.
For knowledge to be complete we must have both and understanding and experience of what it is we want to know. Understanding and experience build on each other. When constructing a strong wall you need both bricks and mortar. The mortar of the Kinslow QE System is made of the basic techniques of Eufeeling, Quantum Entrainment, QE Awareness, and QE Intention. The bricks are the QE Principles of Lucid Living which nurture, support, and guide you towards more freedom, energy, and wisdom in your life.
Eufeeling is very special in your life. Most of the time you may not be aware of it being busy with the trials and tribulations of daily living. But it is always there waiting for you to notice it. Quantum Entrainment is the process of noticing your Eufeeling. Eufeeling is not a philosophy but a direct experience of the joy and peace and love that you are. When you become aware of Eufeeling’s presence it reflects outward supporting and guiding every feature of your life.
Not at all. The Kinslow System will actually adapt to your desires and needs. That is because the Kinslow QE System’s techniques are actually a way for you to become more clearly aware of what is taking place on the deeper, quieter levels of your mind. Let me remind you that you already have everything that you need to overcome your challenges and enjoy greater creativity, energy, happiness, and health. It is when you lose touch with your inner harmony that you experience outer disharmony. The Kinslow System is your personalized process for inner peace and outer prosperity.

The Best of Both Worlds
Discover how you can feel less lonely, and less depressed and have more energy, boost your immune system, break negative patterns, and become more mindful and loving in just a few minutes a day!
Sound impossible? Dr. Frank Kinslow, the discoverer, and developer of Eufeeling and the Quantum Entrainment rapid healing method, introduces his pioneering AweFeeling Method. The AweFeeling Method unites the peaceful power of Eufeeling with the life-altering perception of awe, with proven health benefits in virtually every area of your life. This marriage of inner and outer enlightenment offers profound results beginning with your first session. And the remarkable news, it takes you no more than 1-3 ½ minutes a day!
You don’t have to try and think positive thoughts, sit stiffly and silently, or concentrate on…anything! Awefeeling is natural, effortless, and easy to do. You can do it while riding your bike, making the perfect souffle, over a cup and a chat with a good friend, or in quiet reflection about the ones you love. Awefeeling can be with you just about any time, anywhere. You can even learn how to share Awefeeling with others helping them to greater health and happiness.
About his newest creation, Dr. Kinslow has this to say, “I am so very excited about this AweFeeling Method. With it, many, many lives can be elevated to extraordinary heights. We just may have the recipe for world peace. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful gift!”
How You Can Learn the AweFeeling Method:
Book Private Instruction
The Most Frequently Asked Questions about QE
The Kinslow QE System is the arm of the Kinslow Happiness System that supports deep and rapid healing. It is an exciting new approach to abundant living that anyone can do. Quantum Entrainment is a completely natural technique that produces immediate healing and harmony in body, mind, and spirit. It is a complete system with proven results that you can use to increase confidence, creativity, abundance and happiness. The really incredible thing about the Kinslow System is that you can also use it to help in healing the lives of others.
Because the Kinslow QE System works deep within your mind at the finest level of functioning where peace and harmony abide, it has a peaceful, harmonizing effect on everything you do. It begins by organizing your thoughts, adding power and purpose to their expression. This increased energy and order then flows outward to sooth and heal your body. From there it injects vitality, wisdom, and serenity into every facet of your life, work, family and love relationships, recreation and education and even your quest for greater spiritual insight. Results happen quickly.
We have made it very easy for you to learn how to have abundance and health through the Kinslow QE System. The first step is to learn Quantum Entrainment, how to easily function from that deepest, most orderly level of your mind. It turns out that this is so simple and natural that you can learn it just by reading one of the QE books or listening to one of our CD/DVDs or, most fun of all, join us at a QE workshop. At this time Dr. Kinslow is the only workshop teacher but workshops are offered in many countries.
The Kinslow QE System is the result of a unique joining of Western and Eastern healing techniques and the principles of quantum physics and relativity. It was actually born out of 40 years of frustration with trying to get it right. I had the thought, "Life shouldn't be so hard." Then in a flash of insight, at age 61, I realized that my most productive times had always been effortless, easy, and flowing. Along with that insight came the instructions for effortless living in a hectic world. That is what we call the Kinslow QE System.
First we should realize that the Kinslow System is more than just a healing technique for emotional or physical discord. You could look at the Kinslow QE System as an exclusive healing package for body, mind, spirit, as well as love relationships, work, education, recreation, and healing others including our children, friends, and even our pets. The application of direct healing in the Kinslow QE System is called Quantum Entrainment. It is special among healing techniques. With traditional healing methods there is always a movement of energy generated from or through the healer. The initiator of a QE healing session only starts the process and then watches as healing takes place easily and safely with immediate results.
The best way to explain the Kinslow QE System to others is in terms of rest. Rest is the universal healer. The deeper the rest the deeper the healing. When one does Quantum Entrainment they experience the deepest rest possible, deeper even than deep sleep. This very deep rest results in a very deep healing in seconds to minutes. It does not require any special talent or training because this kind of healing is natural for anyone once they realize it.
For knowledge to be complete we must have both and understanding and experience of what it is we want to know. Understanding and experience build on each other. When constructing a strong wall you need both bricks and mortar. The mortar of the Kinslow QE System is made of the basic techniques of Eufeeling, Quantum Entrainment, QE Awareness, and QE Intention. The bricks are the QE Principles of Lucid Living which nurture, support, and guide you towards more freedom, energy, and wisdom in your life.
Eufeeling is very special in your life. Most of the time you may not be aware of it being busy with the trials and tribulations of daily living. But it is always there waiting for you to notice it. Quantum Entrainment is the process of noticing your Eufeeling. Eufeeling is not a philosophy but a direct experience of the joy and peace and love that you are. When you become aware of Eufeeling’s presence it reflects outward supporting and guiding every feature of your life.
Not at all. The Kinslow System will actually adapt to your desires and needs. That is because the Kinslow QE System’s techniques are actually a way for you to become more clearly aware of what is taking place on the deeper, quieter levels of your mind. Let me remind you that you already have everything that you need to overcome your challenges and enjoy greater creativity, energy, happiness, and health. It is when you lose touch with your inner harmony that you experience outer disharmony. The Kinslow System is your personalized process for inner peace and outer prosperity.