
The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 4)

Here’s what I mean about the immediate influence of perception. When you hear screeching brakes and turn to see a dog being hit by a car, you immediately experience both physical and emotional changes, don’t you? Physically you will have a quickening pulse, increased cardiac output, contraction of fight-or-flight musculature, hormonal shifts including a major squirt of adrenaline, dilated pupils, and much more. Emotionally you may experience fright, anxiety, confusion, anger, helplessness, , etc. (flight or fight response) Now, consider...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 3)

Every created thing is made of two parts: energy and form. The most basic form of energy is the wave. Waves combine to make subatomic particles which combine to make atoms, molecules, ending with a book that you hold in your hands. A book has energy, doesn’t it? You could use it to squash a mosquito or you could burn it to keep warm. (I hope that is the only reason you would have to burn one of my books.)...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 2)

As I grew over the years, my love of the abstract found many and varied practical applications. I became interested in the mental side of martial arts, read a book, and learned how to hypnotize my friends, discovered how to reduce pain and increase strength through meditation techniques, and, as a chiropractor, studied half-a-hundred healing procedures, from manipulating a joint to multiplying bioenergy. I fell in awe of Einstein’s orientation of the universe and learned to appreciate the nonsensical reality...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 1)

“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ~ Albert Einstein In a moment we will look more closely at the EuStillness Technique, the reason for this section of the QE Blog. But first I would like to give a little background as to its origin. Wherever I travel, I am often asked to tell the story behind the technique. So for those who want to know where this deceptively simple yet decidedly...

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Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave…

All life in an ocean is directly dependent on the conditions of the water. A cold water fish cannot thrive in tropical waters just as a positive thought cannot thrive in a negative environment. It does not matter how many friends the cold water fish takes along with him into tropical waters he still will not prosper. Now, if the cold water fish were practicing positive thinking he would try and convince himself that the warm water was actually cold....

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Positive Thinking Is a Form of Denial

In our last blog we said your thoughts are like the great variety of life forms that inhabit the ocean. Let’s step out of our ocean analogy for a moment and find out why positive thinking, as it is presently practiced, does not work. We tend to think that negative and positive thoughts are two different conditions of the same perception just like hot and cold are two different conditions of water. If hot water were considered negative and cold...

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Can Positive Thinking Create Negative Thoughts? (Part II)

We feel our best, are most energetic, productive, and loving when we are emotionally balanced. Emotional balance means positive and negative emotions in proper proportion. Seen this way there is really no “negative” emotion, only imbalance in number and intensity between what we call negative and positive. It is somehow vital that we not only recognize negative thought but accept it as a dynamic component of emotional health. Generally we wage war on negative emotions or we run away from...

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Can Positive Thinking Create Negative Thoughts? (Part I)

I have long felt that we Americans (US) are overly preoccupied with creating a positive mental attitude. In fact in some circles like business and athletics a positive mental attitude (PMA) is a means to the ultimate performance in that profession. For those living alternative lifestyles, especially those involved in alternative healing methods, PMA can be the actual foundation upon which their lives are built. I have always thought this to be psychologically unhealthy. And now it seems that others...

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The Tail is Wagging the Dog

How can you end problems and find personal inner peace? Will changing your behavior results in inner peace? Asking “why” you behave in a certain way will only lead to more “whys.” Answering “why” will have you chasing your tail. You will think you are getting somewhere but in the end you will have only exhausted yourself, or at the very least become quite dizzy. Even if you catch your tail, what have you caught? The tail is attached to...

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It Is What It Is (Part II)

To ask why things are the way they are reflects a desire to see beyond your slice of life, and know the primal mind and ultimate makeup of the universe. Somehow we feel that if we can understand the cosmic mind we will then understand our own. From there it should be a short leap to fixing the wrongs of our life and then we can live in peace and harmony. While a noble undertaking it is completely fruitless and...

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