The coin is Eufeeling, the essence of each of us, unique in all creation. Eufeeling is not some fanciful philosophy or long-sought after Utopia. While it has been hidden from view from the dualistic mind it is easily, clearly, and quickly perceived by the undivided mind. When we shift our awareness away from one side of the coin or the other we become aware of the whole coin. We realize that the P and the N are different forms of the same metal that is the coin. Any opposites, black and white, hard and soft, etc., are simply two sides of the same coin, two reflections of the same essence we call Eufeeling.
This shift of perception from opposites to unity quells the mind, organizes it, and frees it from attachment to opposites. When you make this shift in perception your life immediately begins to drop its attachment to negative emotions or the “positive” procedures to overcome them. Duality dissipates quickly over time in the realization that negativity and positivity are ultimately one in the same. Ultimately there is no fight to be fought.
Your perception of the unity of all things yields a kind of knowing that underneath the iridescent illusion of life, everything is just right as it is. You will experience a sense of expansion and wholeness and freedom from limitation. Your experience of wholeness will begin immediately and continue to expand as you continue to perceive the wholeness of Eufeeling intermittently, throughout your day.
So what if I said here? Just this; our common experience is set in the realm of duality. Underneath the appearance of duality is the reality of universality. There is no reason humanity, that means you and me, cannot have the best of both worlds. And, we don’t have to retire to a cave in the Himalayas to make it happen. The technology is now at hand and it proves to be simple, effective, and, dare I say it, fun!
[Note to reader: As a result of my years of teaching The Kinslow System™ and recent research, especially in the fields of physics and neuroscience, I have just discovered a technique (presently nameless) that, in just a few minutes of instruction, will lead a divided mind quickly to the perception of unity. I will be teaching this technique for the first time in Frankfurt, Germany the last weekend in September, 2013. I’m writing a new book which will outline the technique and I will develop a complete workshop around this technology of the perception of unity beginning 2014.]
Michel C. says:
Hello Franck
Sorry , because my language english is not fluently.
Thank you again about these excellent workshops in France, in 2013 October 19th and 20th.
Thank you too about these excellent post.
I believe to have understood that you plan to bring out this new book on the summer, 2014. When did you think that it will be available in French language? Simultaneously or in an another planned date?
Can be other workshops ” eufeeling” and “unit perception” in France on 2014?
Frank Kinslow says:
HI Michel,
we are planning a QE Basic/Advanced (and possibly the QE Intensive) workshop in Paris in October, 2014. At this point we will have to wait for our French publisher to publish the new book but that probably will not occur before 2015. The new workshop will also probably not be available in France until 2015. keep your eye on our newsletter…you can get emailed to you in English and then go to and have it translated into French, or most other languages. Thanks for writing and hope to see you when we return to France in 2015. Frank
Polina says:
Oh, just seen an advert regarding the forthcoming seminar in November – in Moscow, so that must be the fate:))
Thinking of joining the event for sure-
All the best wishes!
Polina says:
Hi, Frank,
I have been very happy to come across your books just over the last month or so. Mostly, because I think I now get the answer to my former “why”-questions as regards to various scenarios happened or developed in my life. Interestingly, I guess I used intuitively QE simply not knowing that:)). Going by that, I shifted from my business carrier of a lawyer with over a decade of experience to being a yoga teacher now. This was an overwhelming experience of self-realisation, I guess, – something that certain people would envy but not dare to attain in their own lives.
I am using a lot the techniques you’ve described in my life aspects – professional and other, and since would be very interested in communicating from time to time with you and your, let me say, supporters. As I am Russian, it is not possible for me to join your events, however, I’d greatly appreciate any updates on what you publicize as a follow up on such events.
Kind regards and best wishes!
Frank Kinslow says:
Congrats on your shift from a career to a calling…not often easy to do but always better in the end. As it happens I do teach in Russia (Presently in Moscow and St. Petersburg) Sign up for our free newsletter and it will let you know where and when my next Russian workshop will be.