Why Your Intention Doesn’t Work (Part I)

If you have ever done any intention work you have probably wondered why your intentions don’t work most of the time. You follow all the rules, and there are plenty of them to follow, and still you don’t get what you want. It all boils down to a matter of love… Universal love.

Look at yourself as being the center of creation. This is not egotistical but a simple fact of perception. Where else would the center of creation be except where you are. You are at the center of creation right now so we will call that your present. Your past is your history, what has led you to this point. Your future is what will happen to you. So not only are you the center of creation you are also the center of time. But before you declare yourself King of the Universe and have us kissing your inter-galactic-holographic ring, realize that every other person is the center of their creation/time as well. It turns out that the center of creation is everywhere all the time. I forget the French mathematician who stated, “Just the simple act of bending over and picking a flower changes the center of gravity of the entire universe.” Now what does all this have to do with you not being able to make your intentions work? I’m glad you asked.

We can look at Newtonian (classical) physics as representing the past. Classical laws are deterministic and have to do with cause and effect, with control. The classical physicist feels that if they have enough data they can predict the future but this has not turned out to be true. Who says it’s not true? Well that would be quantum physicists.

We can look at quantum (mechanics) physics as representing the future. It is the science of possibilities not yet realized. Quantum physics tells us that anything is possible. So right away you might feel that if anything is possible then all you need to know is how to control the laws of quantum physics and you can get anything you want. Although this idea has been popularized by some scientists and pseudoscientists and generally accepted by the alternative community as a whole, it also turns out to be not true, or almost not true. Just because something is possible not make it probable. You see what I mean?

Technically it is possible for you to “create” anything you want. (It turns out that the idea that we create is also an illusion but I will put aside discussion of that juicy tidbit for a later blog.) So go ahead and make your intention for that brand-new, fire engine red Maserati to role right into your life. It is possible, but if the probability of that happening is 600,000,000,000,000:1 (And believe me, in universal terms, these are incredibly good odds.) then how much time do you really want to devote to materialize hand tooled leather seats, a gadget laden dashboard, and an engine that goes vroom-vroom? You might better asked the question, “Is there a practical way to get what I need?” You might be very surprised indeed to find out how easy that can be accomplished.

[Join me for the exciting conclusion to this discussion in Why Your Intention Doesn’t Work (Part II).]

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