
The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 6)

If you want to get out of that chair you are sitting in then what is the first thing you must do? That’s right! You must first push down with your feet and hands if you want to stand up. If you then choose to walk to your fridge for a cold drink, you must first push your foot in the opposite direction from the fridge so that you will move forward toward that beer in the icebox. If you...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 5)

So how does the EuStillness Technique work? Well, not by conventional laws, that is for sure. When you think about it, a technique is how to do something, isn’t it? Well, how can you do something to do nothing? Of course, that seems impossible. It seems to make sense that you cannot generate an activity of non-activity. This is the very reason many meditation and spiritual techniques take so long to yield results. They expect the student to create inner...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 4)

Here’s what I mean about the immediate influence of perception. When you hear screeching brakes and turn to see a dog being hit by a car, you immediately experience both physical and emotional changes, don’t you? Physically you will have a quickening pulse, increased cardiac output, contraction of fight-or-flight musculature, hormonal shifts including a major squirt of adrenaline, dilated pupils, and much more. Emotionally you may experience fright, anxiety, confusion, anger, helplessness, , etc. (flight or fight response) Now, consider...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 3)

Every created thing is made of two parts: energy and form. The most basic form of energy is the wave. Waves combine to make subatomic particles which combine to make atoms, molecules, ending with a book that you hold in your hands. A book has energy, doesn’t it? You could use it to squash a mosquito or you could burn it to keep warm. (I hope that is the only reason you would have to burn one of my books.)...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 2)

As I grew over the years, my love of the abstract found many and varied practical applications. I became interested in the mental side of martial arts, read a book, and learned how to hypnotize my friends, discovered how to reduce pain and increase strength through meditation techniques, and, as a chiropractor, studied half-a-hundred healing procedures, from manipulating a joint to multiplying bioenergy. I fell in awe of Einstein’s orientation of the universe and learned to appreciate the nonsensical reality...

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The EuStillness Technique: Where Does It Come From and How Does It Work? (Part 1)

“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ~ Albert Einstein In a moment we will look more closely at the EuStillness Technique, the reason for this section of the QE Blog. But first I would like to give a little background as to its origin. Wherever I travel, I am often asked to tell the story behind the technique. So for those who want to know where this deceptively simple yet decidedly...

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How Nothing Works (Part 4)

(You have been practicing the Nothing Technique since we last chatted. Take a few minutes to again do the Nothing Technique and then continue reading.) I’ll wait….. Now, first notice how you feel. Is your body more relaxed? Do you feel quieter in your mind? After only 2 to 3 minutes, you are already beginning to reap the benefits of … Doing nothing! You didn’t have to imagine yourself on a tropical beach, sit in a pretzel-like posture and breathe...

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How Nothing Works (Part 3)

We can talk about pure awareness, the perception of nothing, all day long…in fact, for generations, many have talked about pure awareness their whole lives. (Believe it or not, many of them never experienced it.) Talk can never touch the experience of pure awareness so it is time we stopped talking about it and actually experience it. Once experienced we can resume our discussion about pure awareness but on a much deeper level. Do the Nothing Technique sitting with eyes...

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How Nothing Works (Part 2)

There are many shades of awareness. You can be alert, tired, distracted, drugged, etc. If we think of awareness as light, then the different kinds of awareness represent different intensities of light. Let’s say that the brightest light possible registers 10 on our “light/awareness” scale. Everyday common consciousness would register a 4 or 5 on our scale of 0 to 10. This would be like using your camera to take a picture outdoors on a cloudy day. Depending on the...

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How Nothing Works (Part 1)

‘‘No matter what I tried, nothing worked. And then I got it. Nothing works!’’ ~ Frank Kinslow I know that quoting myself may seem a little self-absorbed, but when I first made this discovery I was totally bowled over by its implications. This single revelation has sparked a revolution that has reduced suffering and improved the quality of life of many, many thousands around the globe. It is why we are meeting here, and I just wanted to share this...

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