
How Nothing Works (Part 4)

(You have been practicing the Nothing Technique since we last chatted. Take a few minutes to again do the Nothing Technique and then continue reading.) I’ll wait….. Now, first notice how you feel. Is your body more relaxed? Do you feel quieter in your mind? After only 2 to 3 minutes, you are already beginning to reap the benefits of … Doing nothing! You didn’t have to imagine yourself on a tropical beach, sit in a pretzel-like posture and breathe...

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How Nothing Works (Part 3)

We can talk about pure awareness, the perception of nothing, all day long…in fact, for generations, many have talked about pure awareness their whole lives. (Believe it or not, many of them never experienced it.) Talk can never touch the experience of pure awareness so it is time we stopped talking about it and actually experience it. Once experienced we can resume our discussion about pure awareness but on a much deeper level. Do the Nothing Technique sitting with eyes...

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How Nothing Works (Part 2)

There are many shades of awareness. You can be alert, tired, distracted, drugged, etc. If we think of awareness as light, then the different kinds of awareness represent different intensities of light. Let’s say that the brightest light possible registers 10 on our “light/awareness” scale. Everyday common consciousness would register a 4 or 5 on our scale of 0 to 10. This would be like using your camera to take a picture outdoors on a cloudy day. Depending on the...

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How Nothing Works (Part 1)

‘‘No matter what I tried, nothing worked. And then I got it. Nothing works!’’ ~ Frank Kinslow I know that quoting myself may seem a little self-absorbed, but when I first made this discovery I was totally bowled over by its implications. This single revelation has sparked a revolution that has reduced suffering and improved the quality of life of many, many thousands around the globe. It is why we are meeting here, and I just wanted to share this...

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The Art of Nothing (Part 4)

The process that I discovered does not require that you envision a positive outcome, think positive thoughts, or generate positive emotions. It does not require belief or faith or any peculiar talent or skill. Nor does it require affirmations or intentions or a vivid imagination from which to build your detailed utopian future. All of these efforts take place in your mind. Calling on a distressed mind to fix itself is a lot like asking the fox to guard the...

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The Art of Nothing (Part 3)

Don’t you feel it? Don’t you feel that something seems to be missing, something basic and deeply primordial? Haven’t you ever asked yourself, “Is this all there is to life?” You may have asked this question in a quiet moment of reflection but then trampled it under foot on your way out the door to buy a bigger, brighter widget, find a sympathetic ear to bend, or indulge any of a plethora of electronic diversions to keep that tormenting question...

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The Art of Nothing (Part 2)

We have so much potential. Don’t you think so? My goodness, but what we can do. I could list the usual things like putting a man on the moon, the pyramids, heavier-than-air flight, and so on and so forth. Compared to the other species with which we co-habit this earth, our progress has been phenomenal. And we are continuing to grow, in so many ways, exponentially. We are progressing by leaps and bounds. Look how far we have come in...

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The Art of Nothing (Part 1)

‘‘How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward.’’ ~Spanish proverb Picture a world where you are following your innermost desires, doing the work that you are naturally drawn to do and love. It dovetails perfectly with your talents and interests. Your work regenerates you rather than tiring you out. Time flies by almost too quickly. Like the flickering splinters of a lit sparkler, creativity burns within you. You are self-motivated, take pride in your work, and...

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A New Direction – the Negative Side of Positive Thinking (Part 6)

You could well ask, “How is the Stoics negative-neutralizing-positive approach any different from the positive thinker’s positive-neutralizing-negative orientation?” There is a subtle distinction but an extremely important one for all who search for fulfillment. Positive thinkers want to replace negativity with positivity, a kind of denial of reality. Stoics, and a number of other systems that accentuate the negative, do not look to supplant positive emotions. Rather, they strive to recognize the reality that negative and positive both exist, and...

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A New Direction – the Negative Side of Positive Thinking (Part 5)

Negative visualization offers another more substantial advantage over positive thinking, and that is the reduction of anxiety. Positive thinking will have you visualize that you already have what you are seeking. Now, you not only have to energetically maintain that illusion but you have to combat the fear of losing it. This phenomenon is especially evident in people who are “always happy”. They tend to overtly push hyper-happiness ahead of them with exaggerated beaming smiles like radar searching for sustenance....

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