
Givers & Takers (Part Two)

So where is your Self? (In QE we called the Self - Eufeeling.) Well as it turns out it is everywhere all the time so you should be able to find it anywhere, anytime, right? You just have to be able to recognize it when you see it. That’s how I developed Quantum Entrainment. I first discovered my Self in the quiet reaches “within my mind”. Once I came to know my Self within I began to shake hands with...

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Givers & Takers (Part One)

All the people inhabiting this beautiful blue marble spinning in the blackness of space can be broken into two groups; givers and takers. The takers, according to Abraham Maslow, are those who are scaling his pyramid of needs. And what do you suspect is the goal of all this climbing and clambering? Why, to reach the pinnacle and become self-actualized. Once they reach that most exalted capstone, takers become givers. (Note: Maslow refers to givers as Transcenders. See past posts:...

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The Five Paths to Enlightenment

There are thousands of paths to enlightenment. Although it may seem to be mystical, enlightenment is a normal human condition and much easier to realize than some would have us believe. (See QE Blog: What Is Enlightenment ) There are a good number of systems, religious and otherwise, to help one experience enlightenment. They would include Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism as well as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Within each system there are many teachers each with their own interpretation of what...

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What is Enlightenment?

There is a good deal of confusion around the notion of enlightenment. Ask 10 spiritual leaders what enlightenment means and you will get 10 different answers. Ask your average spiritual seeker and you get the “deer in headlights” look that is not the result of introspective bliss. It appears that most people use the word almost offhandedly and yet when it comes down to it, most people don’t have a clear idea of what enlightenment really is. Because it is...

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Can Positive Thinking Create Negative Thoughts? (Part II)

We feel our best, are most energetic, productive, and loving when we are emotionally balanced. Emotional balance means positive and negative emotions in proper proportion. Seen this way there is really no “negative” emotion, only imbalance in number and intensity between what we call negative and positive. It is somehow vital that we not only recognize negative thought but accept it as a dynamic component of emotional health. Generally we wage war on negative emotions or we run away from...

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Can Positive Thinking Create Negative Thoughts? (Part I)

I have long felt that we Americans (US) are overly preoccupied with creating a positive mental attitude. In fact in some circles like business and athletics a positive mental attitude (PMA) is a means to the ultimate performance in that profession. For those living alternative lifestyles, especially those involved in alternative healing methods, PMA can be the actual foundation upon which their lives are built. I have always thought this to be psychologically unhealthy. And now it seems that others...

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The Tail is Wagging the Dog

How can you end problems and find personal inner peace? Will changing your behavior results in inner peace? Asking “why” you behave in a certain way will only lead to more “whys.” Answering “why” will have you chasing your tail. You will think you are getting somewhere but in the end you will have only exhausted yourself, or at the very least become quite dizzy. Even if you catch your tail, what have you caught? The tail is attached to...

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The Sword and the Leaf

My father was a warrior by profession and by deed. He fought in World War II, Korea and fought twice in the jungles of Viet Nam. He was not a very religious man but he was especially spiritual. In this regard he aligned more with the code of Bushido, the code of honor developed among the samurai, the military warriors of Japan. During World War II while fighting in the Pacific theater my father came by a katana, a samurai...

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It Is What It Is (Part II)

To ask why things are the way they are reflects a desire to see beyond your slice of life, and know the primal mind and ultimate makeup of the universe. Somehow we feel that if we can understand the cosmic mind we will then understand our own. From there it should be a short leap to fixing the wrongs of our life and then we can live in peace and harmony. While a noble undertaking it is completely fruitless and...

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It Is What It Is (Part I)

Some years ago when I worked in an office I was having lunch with a colleague and the conversation got around to troubles at work. He began describing the problem people and the negative circumstances they created. He was frustrated that he could not perform his job as he felt it should be carried out. I saw his point and agreed with him, citing my own grievances and how I also felt restricted. Then, because of decades of “spiritual” training...

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