The First Time in 76 Years

Dr Kinslow,

I am here to tell you what happened today. I went out to go to supermarket and suddenly I felt something that I had never imagined I could feel in all my 76 years old. As I walked, I realized that all around me was full of awareness, in the cars, the trees, even in the air that I was breathing, and to me I felt like the energy of the Universe. So, I began to cry of happiness because the feeling evolved all me, and then I realized that I was with a new Eufeeling, it was so amazing!

During all the time I bought the things I needed, this incredible feeling was with me. I cooked my lunch and the peace, fullness, huge joy is always with me. It is so profound, so marvelous!! Oh, thank you so much Dr. Kinslow to allow me to find the joy of living!!

Much Peace and all the happiness for you and your family from my heart.

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