I’ve just been to the workshop in Frankfurt, Germany this weekend and it was sooo good!
In the beginning, I thought it’s another energy healing method, but I found, it’s even better 🙂
It’s all I was ever looking for in my whole life with meditation, energy healing and so on.
PURE AWARENESS is just the state of beeing where everything IS, where everything begins and so much is possible from there. I’M happy, content, peaceful and in silence now, that I know “Eu feeling” which makes me experience PURE AWARENESS. Now I don’t have to search further on for anything, because I found, it’s all in me, in you, in everyone and everywhere, because it’s the true nature of life, where all the old chinese and indian wisdom or many masters speak of.
And it’s so good to feel it … because by experiencing it, i know it’s TRUTH.
Thank You Frank!
How good, you spread this all over the world and share, whats our birthright as human beiings.
Happy Gabriele from Frankfurt, Germany
Spring 2011