Dear Frank,
If you promise not to tell my competitors about this I’ll let you in on my secret . . .
In January 2010 I took part in the Bavarian Archery Championships. After the first round I was way behind. During the interval I phoned my daughter with whom I had been on your course here in Germany last December. I pleaded with her to do remote QE for me and told her my dilemma. I sat down and did QE myself with my bow in my hands. I was so nervous and so much “in my head” only that I was shooting from ego-strength wanting to win like last year. So I began “space thinking” looking at the empty space between my knees, between my hands – and when the tournament continued I thought of the empty space between my arrow and the target (18m away). I felt very much calmer now and I couldn’t believe it, when my first arrow hit the target dead centre. I was so pleasantly surprised that I thought I knew it all now. So my next arrow was way up in the top right hand corner. Now that was a real shock! My ego didn’t want to give up easily, wanted to be the winner!” It wasn’t fun and it wasn’t easy . . . so it couldn’t have been QE!” came to my mind. Space thinking, space feeling – and step by step my shooting got better. With the remaining 28 arrows I made my way back to the top and eventually even won the tournament, only just. And I gained a prized insight into QE!
Love and good thoughts