Thank you for sending my certificate. I am very grateful to Dr. Kinslow for providing the opportunity to all of us, as me, not able to attend in person QE Workshops. It was marvelous to participate online!!! To see and hear you was enriching and also a very important updating. I found QE in 2010, a turning point in my life. Besides buying all books in English, recently I have acquired The Kinslow System book in a Spanish edition in order to lend to people interested in learning QE. Currently, four people are interested on the KS, we get together once a week; among them, my friend Fadel Hollo which already embraced the learning and lovably is translating lessons into Brazilian Portuguese to people not proficient in English. In order to disseminate Kinslow System in Brazil, it is important to have it on Brazilian Portuguese; my friend Fadel Hollo is already searching information on the best way to accomplish this. My gratitude to all of you that made this Workshop to happen.
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