Guilt and Anxiety Gone

I was feeling guilty about a lot of past and present events in my life- Anxiety and Insomnia (due to the anxiety and too much negative thinking and “what if” questions.) Trying to fight these problems for years with psychotherapy, natural medication and meditation, but did not manage. 

I felt abandoned and worthless. I felt depressed without having a “real” depression I guess because I wanted to fight these issues and find a solution. Sometimes, I even felt like there were two persons in me: the sad person and the one who tried so much to be happy. 

I have done meditation for years along with positive thinking. The difference with the Kinslow System is that the feeling of relaxation just comes naturally, I don’t fight my negative thoughts anymore and just the fact to “watch my thoughts” has made me realized that they are just thoughts, not the reality or my true self. I feel detached from these negative thoughts.  After the first week, I already felt a difference. The two first things that happened; first was a better sleep and then a better mood during the day. 

My problems are being solved, not completely solved yet. I sleep better, I am happy and laugh (without having to fake it). I let go of problems from the past that haunted me in the present. Basically, I am living, and I am feeling alive! 

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