The Stop-Hand Technique
An invaluable technique to help quickly integrate EuStillness Awareness into every area of your life. Simple, profound, and fun. Can be mastered in minutes. (Must already know: the EuStillness Technique)
The EuStillness Healing Technique
How EuStillness Awareness can help heal physical and psychological problems in yourself, your friends, and even your pets. Note: if you already know Quantum Entrainment then you probably will not need this download. You can just substitute EuStillness for Eufeeling. (Must already know: the EuStillness Technique.)
The Coin Technique
The Coin Technique is a marvelous way to see both sides of life, the negative and positive more evenly. It quiets your mind, organizes it, and frees it from attachment to unproductive things and thoughts. (Must already know: the EuStillness Technique.)
The EuStillness Decision Technique
Having too many choices can actually be debilitating. Research shows that a mental pause of as little as 50-100 milliseconds can improve your decision-making. Imagine what a few minutes of EuStillness can do! The EuStillness decision technique works like a charm for quieting and organizing your mind and gently alerting you to the derisive forces underlying making a successful decision. (Must already know: the EuStillness Technique.)
Healing with Universal Love Technique
Love unites and universal love unites universally. This precious technique encourages the tender perception of universal love on the background of EuStillness, the salve that heals all wounds. (Must already know: the EuStillness Technique.)
The EuStillness Healing Technique
How EuStillness Awareness can help heal physical and psychological problems in yourself, your friends, and even your pets. Note: if you already know Quantum Entrainment then you probably will not need this download. You can just substitute EuStillness for Eufeeling. (Must already know: the EuStillness Technique.)
NOTE: All audio downloads are non-refundable.