You Saved My Life

Hi Frank, I wanted to thank you wholeheartedly for saving my life, emotionally and physically. After the breakup of another romance, I felt my life was finally mostly over, nothing to look forward to but work and caregiving. Then, while listening to Hay House radio I discovered your Gate Technique. I also bought your audiobook recently. I have been a faithful practitioner ever since, three times a day. I teach school and what used to be drudgery has now turned into a magical adventure. I use QE in my classroom daily and watch the fun and wonder begin. I have QE’d friends and loved ones. After meditating, doing “A Course in Miracles” and performing myriad arduous practices the best part is that QE is so blissfully simple and easy!

I wake up most every day now feeling a lively sense of anticipation. I can’t wait for the day to begin to see what surprises are in store. I must admit I still have some emotional and physical pain but now it’s in the background rather than the foreground. I have chosen a different universe to live in most of the time, the one of love and enthusiasm. I look forward to healing completely if that is to happen. I am eternally grateful to you and share you with my close friends so they too can heal. I live in St. Pete and hope someday I will get to meet you in person in order to give you a BIG HUG! Thank you so much, Frank.

You saved my life for the good.

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