Art of stillness workshop

Hello my name is Karin Truntschka. I am a Quantum Entrainment® Practitioner certified by Dr. Frank Kinslow.

I have been attending Dr. Kinslow’s workshops since 2009. Since I’ve found QE my life has changed in so many ways. After suffering from chronic pain disorder, QE helped me to find my way back into a fulfilled life.

As QE practitioner it’s my mission to share my experience with other people. As time goes by I’ve done QE for many, many people. Frank encouraged me to start a QE practice group in Frankfurt/Germany. In 2013 I started a group.   Since then more than 160 people have registered. And about 25 to 40 participants regularly visit my QE practice group. Once a month I’ve been hosting the group. I prepare the group meetings based on the QE practice book of Dr. Kinslow (The Kinslow System/Das QE Praxisbuch). The group is a gathering of people from Frankfurt as well as the surrounding area. In general we begin with a meditation, followed by partner QE, QE for special topics someone brought with, remote QE, group session, world peace session.

As a matter of course I update my profession by reading Frank’s publications as well as visiting his workshops. In April 2015 I attended the brand new ‘Art of EuStillness’ workshop. To say it direct – from all the workshops I attended before the Art of EuStillness workshop was the cherry on the cake. The two days intensive workshop made my eyes open for what is really important and how I can change thinking and behavior. In the workshop Dr. Frank Kinslow taught the participants the rules of being fully human, to find the center of their essence. Coming from the pure awareness – become aware of the EuStillness – getting the EuFeeling. In his unique way to guide and teach the participants, in combination with very effective meditations, I’ve got the tools and techniques to do nothing and get everything.

The inspiration I’ve got out of the EuStillnes workshop, I took over in my QE practice group. The group experience of ‘EuStillness’ was so deep, so enriching and fulfilling for everyone. Entering the different areas of stillness we found unconditional love and the acceptance of everything. Endless freedom for all. As a group we experienced so much inner peace, joy, and lightness. The EuStillness Technique, the Stop-Hand Technique, the Nothing Technique are effortless and easy.

Now the ‘Art of EuStillness’ technique is constantly part of my QE practice as well as practicing in my QE working group. Here is an impression from my last QE session, feedback from the attendees:

We are totally inspired from the new exercise going through the row. It’s a feeling like blessing. The EuStillnes meditation is such a major enrichment for all. And the ‘mini Eu-med’ is so useful for the daily meditation. It’s short, quick to learn and very effective. After 2 hours meditation and practicing QE everybody were deeply relaxed, full of love, freedom, bliss – Eufelling everywhere. It’s easy and it’s fun, It’s simply QE. We want to never miss it.

Is there a greater compliment you can get – as to hear such words?  Thanks a lot Frank for giving us this funny QE experience.

I’m happy to welcome people who want to practice QE. Everyone who is looking for an opportunity to practice QE in a very harmonious group is welcome. Please feel free to contact me by email

[email protected]

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